To: Our Little Eagle
Love: Mommy
Our little eagle, our little love,
You flew away so fast
The time we had with you was brief
But our love, dear, it will last.
It was always meant to be
That you would go to heaven first
And you would never have to suffer
Or experience life's hurts.
Our Father in His kindness
And in His wisdom and His love
Ordained each day for you on earth
Then swept you up above.
I love you, Little Eagle
Mommy always, always will.
And I can't wait to meet you
Where time will just stand still.
Forever we will share the joy
That you already know
In some ways I am jealous
Of how soon you got to go.
For in our Father's presence
There are joys forevermore
And right now you are safe and sound
In the arms of the Lord!
Oh what peace it brings me
To know how safe you are, my child
And even though we're here on earth
He protects us all the while.
One day all together
As a family we will be
With our Heavenly Father
For all eternity.
I can't wait to meet our son or daughter. The thing I want most for each of our children is for them to trust in Jesus as their Savior and to spend eternity in heaven. That deep desire in my heart is already a reality for this child. I feel very very blessed when I think about that.
I'm so glad that our God is so wise and so loving that even in our loss, I know that He has given us so much more than I can even wrap my mind around. I am so glad that He created our baby that we have yet to meet. He created that child for His glory (Isaiah 43:7) and I am so honored that every one of those days that they were here on earth, I was blessed to carry that little one inside me. What a gloriously wonderful life they have, only knowing the joys of heaven and being spared all the heartache in this world.
I've asked the Lord to tell my baby that I love them and can't wait to meet them. I smile when I picture my Heavenly Father passing along that message to my sweet child. :-)
Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 43:7
Everyone who is called by My name,
And whom I have created for My glory,
Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.