Maybe I should just retitle this page and call it: "Let Me Introduce Myself So You Know a Little Bit About Who I am so You can Decide if You Even Want to Keep Reading Anything Else on This Blog". I might need a wider tab though.
Okay, so I like pink, I like shopping, and since I have been totally outnumbered by men in my house up until our little girl was born, I try to take advantage of all the "girly" things I can! Something else I really like is laying in a hammock (I even wanted to hang one in my room when I was a girl so I could sleep in it at night)...and it would really be nice to do this near the ocean. But I'm in Missouri, so I'll have to just dream. :-)
I also like all kinds of cute little animals (otters are my favorite) and I hate to be bored.
What do I love? That's easier. I love it when God speaks to my heart in a way that no person ever could. I love it when my husband literally lives out that "for better or worse" thing as he has shown me greater love than I ever could have imagined! I love it when my kids say something that shows me that they're internalizing at least a little bit of what I want to instill in them. Like last night when we were playing Monopoly Jr., our 4-year-old son was the "Banker" and he was basically giving all the money away. He said something about a good banker gives away money because God tells him to. He's got a generous heart that wants to listen and obey the Lord...and give away all of the bank's money. I love it!
I love my Savior. It was 21 years ago that I became a Christian at the end of my eighth grade year (no need to do any math, I'm 35), and since then, my Faithful Shepherd has led me, kept me, cared for me, taken me by the hand, and even carried me at times. He has pulled me out of a pit of doubt, and has safely led me through my darkest valleys. He used those seasons of fear and pain to draw me closer to Him than ever before. And I can tell you that He has been faithful to every promise and I know that He will never fail me. He has provided for me at every turn and exceeded every expectation I ever had. He knows me better than anyone, including myself, and I am so grateful that I get to entrust my life and eternity into the hands of my Creator who loves me enough to die for me.
I'm also a pastor's kid, but one who has enjoyed that role. My parents never made us feel like we had to act a certain way just because we were "pastor's kids". I didn't feel like a fish in a glass bowl with everyone watching. I felt the freedom to grow up and be myself. And, to be honest, I am overwhelmed that God gave me the parents He gave me! I don't deserve to have such incredible, amazing, encouraging, fun, wise, godly parents. Truly they are two of the greatest gifts God has given me.
So, that's a start. Hope I didn't scare anyone off.
Oh, one more thing you should know about me: I love waterparks (too bad I don't like putting on a swimsuit). There's just something about waterslides that have always fascinated me.
Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for being so kind to let me share.
Your Friend,
Rachel :-)
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